I'm so super duper HAPPY! cos my girlies have been so sweet to me!
Thanks Liyan, Dory, Val, Panzy, Nur and Ellie for the tags on my blog! it rly makes me feel so much btr! I feel so love~ *jams on guitar* The tags rly mean alot and i was rly s*fferi*ng over at my ***k place. its lyk not my stuff or unwanted work all dump to me.jus becos some1 cldnt do it doesnt meant tt tt some1 can dump all e sh** to moi! i mean tt some1 draw tt amt of salary cos tt some1 agrees to e terms n admit tt photoshop is not a prob to Q(tt some1). Q was irritating, W ask Q to do things Q duno hw to do and its dumped to me. yeah am the dumping grd? think they would need a hire another position instead of me. job name/scope doesnt seems to be wad i'm supposed to do. anyhows, was happy tt W praised me for my creativity and wanted me to stay, but i guess i jus aint happy to stay der. well its gonna be history! thank goodness!
Its been ages since i last updated! finally! it's my first post for april!muwhhaa! blame it on my laptop, i think i caught virus, the screen kept appearing the letter 'z' i mean its lyk non stop and its freaking fast too, i gonna lyk kept pressing backspace to stop it from flooding my report n msn windows.
was also freaking busy over at work and aft work is either sch or home or dinner w moh, moh complaining he don get to see me often and so are my frens. I'm rly sorry! but i'll catch up w u peeps soon kies!
After a few weeks of hibernation, i finally went out w e gals to shop n KTV! hurray! tt was lyk freaking long seem i seem dem aft i started working. miss out on quite a few gatherings outings n clubbings, suppering, bitching and many many more! haha! i guess i will finally be free to go tanning or study w val on saturdays~ =D happy me!
wanna cam-whore
wanna tan
NBPS (natbunz private sale) ahems, coming up! next week will u all be free? all are invited to our private sale! =D top to toes! all on sale!
more retail therapy
more bags
more shoes
more make up
more bimbos boobies
more amore
more pretty
more tym
more family tym
more moh
more friends
more chills
more sandwiches
more cup noodles
more ice cream
more subway
more burps
more boobies grabbing
more money
more happy
more guess* hints on may
more gucci*hints on may
more burberry*hints on may
more lv*hints on may
more bags
more watches
more eye lashes
more beauty tips
more hair
lastly...........................................more of my bimbos!!!!
alrite no more more i can think of.
ohya v random, i have a idoitic question to ask all:
how do u spot a bimbo?
make some noise over at my tagboard! *advertising for bunz tagboard muahaha!
i'm thinking of brazilian waxing... hmm anyone? =D