Wads ur EXCUSES now?
i juz ate... hmmz me recall wad i ate todae....
well well....
morning, after e freaking IB presentation, i went FJ w angela, zhen n zahi for breakfast.... we was v hungry n i was gumbling tt i needed food even before my presentation.... we waited..... hmmz we was e last grp to present.... poor aiai(patzy) she gotta tok lyk a bullet train to her conclusion.... ms janice seems alil tired n was telling us to keep to e tym limits given to each team -.-' hmmz but dnt worrie aiai~ u speak well u were fast but ur pronouciation is clear enuff~ =D unlyk me.. meowz.... -.-'
Monday Blues? er i guess not?
okok.... ermz... i had spicy tofu for breakfast/lunch.
den @ about 2 or 3 plus lyk i corp sum sweets from zhenzy....
6 plus after presentation i went to eat fish dippers....(=x i upsize it arghz.... cause abt 4 plus.... quite cheap ba compare to outside macz....) hmmz shared my dippers meal w andy n his fren! ahah sorrie ar buddy suan u todae.... haha v long nber c u alr tt y... =D no hard feelings worz... muwhaha but u enjoy being suan by me rite! think i duno =D hehee jkjk cldnt enjoy my meal.. coz my tongue got ulcer.... every bite is so painful lorrz... sianzzzz..... =D haha ke shi ke shi ke shi, tongue got ulcer also good la thn i wont think of eating.... haha can go on a diet! =D
come to think of it.. i regretted eating the spicy tofu w rice la.. spoilt my dieting plan =x arghz.... think i shld go for amore lesson too~ muwahhaa seriously i'm thinking of gg back tk up e student package....? hmmz.... =D i need my mummy~ hehee
hmmz kinda tired now after two presentation in a day.... yawnzzzz.... i hope i've cleared these two modules and i hope i can pass my xml too? =D tmr mite be gettin back e pract results ba.. how how how.... -.-' gary lim i hope he will at least pass me w a D grade!? =D hmmz gotta prepare speech for wed biz comm... totally no idea how to start off lehhz..... formal speech to the principle oh gosh tt toughz.... -.-'' cant get the data of e disable students in nyp sianzzzz....
hehe saw michie in e level 4 lab todae.... ahha tok to her hmmz.... i feel good toking her... hope we can meet up more n continue our 38 session worz!!!! haha hmmz but galzy u dnt've to worrie a thing, i'm sure things will work out for u peep hmmz after all these misunderstandings are juz part and parcels of life.... if u guyz r able to sail thru it i'm sure u'll be able to c tt rainbow again =D hang on okie? besidez he treats u rly well, hmmz well juz mabbe tt sumtymz he loves u too much tt y he tend to react in this way? tskz tskz dnt think too much kiez? e more u r afraid to lost it the more u will lost it, get it? =D if u continue to feel bad abt ur relationship, it is gg to be unhealthy! moreover it will affect ur relationship u knez? hmmz not worth e risk laaaa =D okie will meet up w u on wed rite? haha u galzy outing.... ask ur aiai to pick u up after our outing ba! =D haha exams ardz e corner alr.... we still think abt gg out.... profz huhz? =D haha~
thankz aiai zhenzy nanaz n hidaz for e ib presentation todae! i'll improve on my presentation skills more kiez! =D all e best ar zhenzy tmr ur mr presentation alr~
a big thank you to kent kuni hamzy teckzy hida zhenzy for helping me in my itipj
phew! hmmz i go bathe alr.... =D
ohya panzy i wanna go amore n ktv u arrange kiez? hmmz but i got my exams mabbe we dont go so often? arghz.... my feet hurts toot toot heels worz =D

ermz... yeah... tt'z my new hair style.... i ti kee la go cut until so short now i kinda miss my long hair!!!! but seriously this hair style sux ar? -.-'

haha minz b4 e itipj presentation my 38 khakiz!!!! no la juz jking =D

sailor moonz???? ahha say cheese b4 gg for presentation =D

rly got nuttin btr 2 do, y? coz we r struck in e train @ amk station.... =D