26th jan
Going back to singapore alry!
reach singapore at abt 2 plus?
We were supposed to wake up early and go for our jazucci session, alarm rang at 7 i think but moh off e alarm n both of us went back to lalaland again. ahah den woke up at 8 plus asked moh moh whther he wans to eat breakfast he was too tired n he went backed to slp as soon as i woke him up haha. we slpt till ten thn jumped up from bed cos we gonna settle our bills n get our passports back from starcruise so we hurried to wash up ourselves n pack our bags n off we go to collect our passport and took our lunch =D

room in comic!

lunching at chinese rest.! ahah

this is how it looked lyk, part 1

part 2!

acting cool infront of cam again! ahha

some scencnaries b4 we reach harborfront =D



part of the floor at deck 12 looked lyk this ahha

gonna reach sg real soons! hurray!
after we reach sg i went to sporting hse to see if the birkerstock in red is still ava. however, they do have stock but they don have my size. sobs. called up almost the whole of sg to ask for my shoes size but i they don have it alry sobs. thn in e end instead of spending lyk 69 for a pair of bikens i spend 89 for it, but i bote a nicer colour la, more unique.sigh okok i gonna say smt to make me feel btr rite? =D ahhaa
yeah got home rest n lack and unpack my bag and prepare for xuans bdae e next day =D
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