I really wanna thank my friends who have take their precious tym out on 14th may 2006 to come to my B-dae chalet! It rly wouldnt be a successful chalet w/o u peeps. But of cos!! i really wanna thank my frens who have rembered my bdae and sent me joyful bdae greetings thank you so much! All of your msges makes me feels tt i'm loved! thanks for loving me! Thanks for caring for me!! i love all of you guys!! HUGS!
Below are the list of guests who arrive at garden terrace: Panz panz - ma lesbian partner!! haha my ex thanks for everything!e help in decor, ur company n all!! i love u!
Ari - Thanks mate! thanks for help me with all those decors n balloons! Plus a BIG thank you to you for packing e place for me! thanks!
Valz - Char bo!! hehe thanks for coming down right after ur hectic work!Thanks for staying over too! and u playin e resident evil rly did help in entertaining us! ahah love u gal!!
Yuez - yue yue yuez! Thanks for so much for e decor and YOUR AI XIN cookies they are rly v nice!! i'm rly touched tt u baked thm for me!! sorrie ya cos of e cookies u didnt hv enuff of ur beauty slp... sorrrie but ur cookies were rly nice!! thanks for coming!! thanks for everythin!! hehe! i love u too gal!
Bearz - i kne u cldnt be there, i kne its hard but i'm glad tt at least we r toking alry! wldnt be as close as it is in e past but rite now, i'm rly v happy alry! cheerios!
Shan - Xiao shan, shannie, ass, haha my crazy partner too! thanks for ur kiss tt dae! haha finally aft sucha long tym U!! finally kiss me!haha i'm rly happy tt u came too!! i rly love ur company! love u la ass!! bake cake agn some otr tym kies!
Peng Cheng - Thanks dude!! hehe you're e only dude tt meet up with us at tpy to help us carry our barang barangs!! u're still so nice aft so many years! haha but not as zhi dong alry hor! ahem hehe okie la i'm jus pulling ur leg!! ur presence have alry brighten up our day!!
Peikun - Kuni! sorrie!!!! didnt have much pics taken! dem!! hehe but u were dem nice!! i seriously appreciated it!! u came all the way there!! thanks dude!!! meet up soons ya!?
Ming Kae - mingy monkey! haha wass up w tt ah beng dressing of urs? haha jus kidding! been a freaking long tym since our class even meet up!! its so nice of u to come too!! hehe i'm out of words to thank u!! but rly A BIG THANK YOU again!!
Sharil - SHARIL!!!! thanks for coming down too! i kne you need to celebrate mothers day tt day too! but thanks so much for coming!! i almost cried wen i saw u came! wad a suprises!
Pok Chong - Pokey pokey! haha Poke Chop!!! Hey matee thankss!! rly thousand thanks!!!! i rly didnt kne u guys will come! thanks for e pressies! thanks for coming to my bdae chalet!!
Chong run - Run run run!! thanks for coming down w ur gang pok n all!! thanks for e gift!! it will last me for years! i loveeeee it!
Davison - Son! Thank you for making ur way down rite aft a busy day u had!! thanks for ur pressie too its so niceeeeeeeee! dem unique i love it! pal thanks for everything tt u have done! ur cookies were great too! haah too bad u didnt make thm on tt dae!
Raymond.W - ant, ma yi! haha ant!!! thanks for coming down! its always so hard to get u out! ahahh next tym i kne i'll lured u out with a can of beer hehe! thanks for coming!
Melyvn - Mel ridin a bike huh! dem cool! nice bike u have der!! u smoking a cigra? oh myyy!!!! penguin have grown up ahah! thank mate!!!! thousands n millions of it!! thanks for coming!!! hehe yeah we haven meet up for ages since sec sch? =D thanks for everythin m e pressie!
Wei siang - Curry puff! ahah ur hair is now ten tyms btr! haha still e same look u have! but thanks so much for coming pal!! ur presence makes everyone happy!thanks for e pressie too!
Christian - Thanks buddy for coming down!!!! thou i tried to say sight seeing n not sex seeing! =p
Karthik - my all tym buddy! thanks for chaating n comforting me in e wee hours!i'll always rmber u came down for me!!
Owyong - muwahaaa i'm alwys out to bully him but nevertheless him my bestie too!
Kevin - fishballllll! a very kind guy of him! thank mate!!!! haha thanks for e pressie! love all e movies sessions!
Eugene - Thanks for coming dwn all e way aft a days flight! haha thanks for e LA chocos and e body spray! its totally nice! i love it!
To the darlings: Eugene, joey, albin, mehzy and tim!Thanks for the drink the sound speaker and ur companies! your companies der have definatively brigthen up my life!
Hamz - thanks for driving ard n picking up our frens!! if not this party wouldnt have been anymore fun!
Patz - thanks pal! muahaaa thanks for coming n cheering up all e pple der!
Xuan - Thanks gal! u were so pretty tt dae! love ya so supporting!!!! thanks for coming miss ya loads!
Xuez - i'm so happy tt u are able to make it! rly!! v happy kne hehe cos its been such a long while tt i've last seem u!! i love u!
Nana - nana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love u and ur gossips!!!! tts v long since we last meet up!! i wanna meet u soons! back to some gossips!
Zhen - thou u cannot make it tt dae but ur smses have alry made me a happy 21 girl!thank yu so much!
kee - thanks for coming and ur games! haha u anotr supporting fellow tt brightens up everyone!
winson - thanks bro! thanks for coming down! i feel so bad tt i didnt get a chance to tok to u much! u have been so nice!
teck - hhee i've got ur smses! thanks so much for it! i'm v happy tt u've msged me!
Pals: Clara and Rahman!thanks for coming! u 2 look best dress to me!! thanks for coming n ur company! love u guys!
Of cos i wanna thank all my frens! thank you so much! i'm so sorry if i didnt have enuff tym with u peeps? we'll get tgt agn real soons kies? Love u peeps to e bits! more words can rly describe hw happy i am!
Wad a late post rite? but i rly still wanna thank all! i rly hope tt u guys have enjoyed urself!Best wishes norezan! hehe she happily married!! ahha wen will her baby be out? hehe.

a lovely party w u guys!

the gals!

we da gals agn!we are nt rly drunk, arent we? haha!

my sweeties! ahah oh n tts sharil behind!!

drink it up! muahaha n e mjs pple behind!

ma love! cut cake not him rites? opps =p

yeah e cake!

whoo! refreshing bath! haha aft all e puking. argh eheh.

i love e hug!!!! ma moh moh been rly nice to meeeeeeeeeeee! thanks for all e help! i love u!!
i'll update moreeee of e pics!