DXO nite out w ma gals!
it was last last thurs i think, we gals went havoc-king @ DXO
der was an event der but i cant rmber wad event tt was.
but e music and ambience there is....
well not so bad at least they are not alwys playin all e old rnb songs
the remix-es were not bad and e drinkk....
hmmms alrite la btr den... AHEMS.
alrite so the directors tt attend the DXO nite out are:

jane, yuez, shan, panzy n me!

dis yeah yeah u guys must be quite familiar w dem! Shan n Panzy!

jane n shan! aha shan jus came back from thailand, she got such a nice tan as
compared to jane, haha jane is much too fair alryyyy!

ma idotic face la! ahha dis is e current pic in panzy's frenster.
dammit exposed me! =p

besties arse-es tgt! =DDDD

besties arse-es too! =pppp

yuez whrs she la?!

whoot don worrie jane got a red eye tt day due to her contact lens
hehe she not alwys lyk tt =D

yuez n meeeeee!!!!

eyeeeer! yikes! ahah our dem act cute picccc! =D

groupies! haha board of directors!

cant get enuff of it!

no choice shan's camera was e best amg us i think.got flash la wad to do
i miss my panasonic phhh!

haha anyw my hand seems to be at a funny view. ahems.

me bling bling specs ahah very nicole richie riteeee? =p

taken at panzy house!