The days in EMRS! =D
The sweeties in E.M.R.S

This is our punkie, ah yingg.... haha
she n her perm-ed hair.
up coming next is...

christina! muahah n kenny's cap =D

ahem n me. detective ho. lalalala hehe juz kiddin =D

diz is ah cher aka cherie. =D finnallllly she got herself panasonic v3!!

"in e closet" is jie ying. muwhaah she is small enough to sit inside e cupboard!

kal n ma red specs. hahaa

kenny using ma panasonic x700. nice to use rite? hehs hehs
The monkey moves!!!! aft farnell roadshow.

guys can be touchy too. =D

ahem ahem!

diz e best pic laaaaaaaaaaaa! *winkz.
will update more pics! going to have lunch!!!!