Piczy TWO! -` NE field trip`-
muwahaha~ special thnkz to hidas, e picz are sponsered by her! hugzy!

yupz yupz. nodz nodz. on e bus towards e museum. =D xuez as e fox's sweet spokeman =D spokewomen i mean =x hahh =p

1943, shanghai. e 0306 gang. dnt mess w us!

wan to join our gang huhz? we'll think abt it. at least bribe us riteeeee.... *hidas thinking*

-.-' haha yeah still at the same place. hehe The Family photo.... xuez = papa, zhenz= mama.... den 4 otr cute lil kids tt dey formed. *teared* so lovely~ =D

yeah. still us. we aint tired of tt place! hehz hehz. come on can u spot e difference? =D

yeah! outta e museum. at sum whr near esplanade taking piczy! =D da models, hidas, bunz. sigh i looked fat in diz pic huhz....
------------------- enda field trip --------------------
Special! ---- me during rebonding session ----

i look lyk coconut head rite?
juz finish my kobs presentation. sigggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
blog ltr go do my porj!
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